70th Annual Norm and Kay Bigg Seniors Dinner

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70th Annual Norm and Kay Bigg Seniors Dinner![]() One of the clubs most special tradition is the Senior's dinner which celebrated it's 70th year of honoring and connecting Georgetown's Seniors Community. The event featured inspiring speeches from distinguished guests, including Mayor Ann Lawlor, and Rotary District Assistant Governor Romeo Mitchell, who recognized the importance of the clubs impact and the significance of this milestone dinner celebration.
Light up the Hills![]() For the second year in a row Rotary handed out 1,000 Terra Cotta Cookies to those in attendance at the Dominion Seed Garden annual Light up the Hills Ignition Night.
Veterans Breakfast 2024![]() Honouring our Veterans has been a tradition of our club each November.
New Members![]() The Club is always happy to induct new members!
Nyawa School very GratefulNyawa School in Zambia was the recipient of 80 desks, a printer and projector for which they were extremely grateful. Rotarian Lianti was able to bring the projector in person on her visit this summer.
Desks and Bunks for UgandaOur club (along with Rotary clubs in Fergus, Guelph, and Oakville) supported a school in Uganda by providing Desks and Bunk Beds for the students.
Supporting Nyawa SchoolOur club has supported the Nyawa School in Zambia. Providing science lab equipment, supplies and sponsoring the building of a well which provides water to the school as well as 36 villages in the area.
Tree Plant 2024![]() On earth day The Rotary Club of Georgetown planted over 200 trees in Georgetown. We even made the news!
Community Dinners![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown continues to serve up a Free Dinner on the first Friday of the month at Knox Presbyterian Church and support by the volunteers from the Out of the Cold program. Dinners are free to anyone in the community and on average 60 residents will enjoy a full hot meal including dessert and coffee.
69th Annual Norm Biggs Seniors Dinner 2023On December 4th The Rotary Club of Georgetown held it's annual Norm Biggs Seniors Dinner at St. George's Church. A delicious roast beef dinner was served to over 100 guests. The Hillsview Seniors Band entertained the crowd.
2023 Tree PlantAt the end of September the Rotary Club of Georgetown had their annual Tree plant where over 200 trees were planted in Georgetown.
Head for the Hills Craft Beverage FestivalThe annual Head for the Hills Craft Beverage Festival was a huge success!! Rebranded to include more than just craft beer, the event drew thousands of happy patrons on a sunny day to Trafalgar Sports park for some great food, beverages, music and general comradery. A great fundraiser for local charities and the five service clubs involved.
Rotary Youth ExchangeThe Rotary Youth Exchange program is in full gear! We have sent Owen to Germany for the year and are now hosting Theo from France who will spend this school year living in Halton Hills and attending Georgetown District High School.
Community Dinner![]() We have started a monthly community dinner program at Knox Presbyterian Church, offering a free dinner to anyone interested on the first Friday of the month (dates subject to change)
Changeover Dinner![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown had a great turnout to thank outgoing President Charles Veale for his service over the past year and to welcome incoming President Kimberly Roy.
Bike it to Market![]() Our annual Bike it to Market event at the Georgetown Farmers Market was a huge success - serving over 400 pancakes to over 200 community members that rode their bike to the market!
Rotary Community DinnerThe Rotary Club of Georgetown will be hosting a Community Dinner at Knox Church on Friday May 5th and Friday June 2nd at 6 pm. Doors open at 5:30 ![]() |
Owen is going to Germany!The students from District 7080 found out which country they will be spending their 2023-2024 school year in. The Rotary Club of Georgetown is sponsoring Owen for the Youth Exchange and he was selected to spend the year in Germany. Guten Tag!
68th Annual Norm Bigg Seniors Dinner![]() On December 5th The Rotary Club of Georgetown welcomed over 110 Seniors to St. George's Anglican Church for a Roast Beef Dinner. Entertainment was provided by The Hillsview Seniors Band. Mayor Ann Lawlor was in attendance.
Veterans Breakfast 2022![]() It was great to get back to an in person breakfast to honor our Veterans. Click to see more photos.
Tree Planting 2022![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown was back at it again planting trees in Georgetown. Over 200 trees were planted just off Grist Mill Dr. Click the link for more pictures. |
Rotary Presidents Turnover Dinner![]() We were able to gather for a nice dinner and to thank outgoing President Lianti Muller and usher in our new President Charles Veale.
Bike it to Market![]() It was great to be back serving pancakes at the Georgetown Farmers Market. And even better, we raised over $260 for the Georgetown Bread Basket! |
March is Water + Sanitation Month![]() Rotary has issued a global challenge to its members, asking them to work collectively to improve education quality and access — particularly for girls — by working with communities to improve teacher training, curriculum, and water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities.
Remembrance DayFor the second year in a row The Rotary Club of Georgetown was not able to host our traditional veterans breakfast. This year we decided to bring a little breakfast to our veterans. Gift cards from Stacked Pancake House were hand delivered to our veterans the week leading up to Remembrance Day. See video below for our Remembrance Day Tribute. |
Tri-Club Event![]() Our club was pleased that District Governor Rudy Habesch was able to join the Rotary Club of Georgetown for a tri-club virtual/in person meeting with Milton and Acton Rotary Clubs. At this event, several of our members and friends of Rotary were awarded the Paul Harris Fellow, and we also honoured Barry Timleck who has been a Rotarian for over 50 years!
Collaboration of Service Groups to Support YouthIt was fitting that the grand opening of the Acton Youth Center occurred during the International Service Week, given that the Collaborative group of six Service Clubs in Halton Hills, including The Rotary Club of Georgetown, sponsored the large counselling room in the center. Click on the link below to watch the virtual grand opening. |
Dinner at your Door![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown partnered with Links2Care to hand out 173 Thanksgiving Lunches and Dinners to Families and Seniors around Georgetown! |
On-Line Auction a Success!![]() We would like to thank everyone who supported the Rotary Online Auction. Thank you to all our local businesses who donated items, services or gift certificates. There are too many of you to name, but together you provided 78 awesome auction items. Together with our sponsors, you helped us raise over $11,000, which will be reinvested back into our community. Thank you to the following individuals or organizations who helped us spread the word: Mayor Rick Bonnette, Holy Cross, St. John’s United, Knox and Limehouse Presbyterian Churches, and Vision Travel. And thank you to the following sponsors, who’s whose financial support was instrumental to our success: Mike Elsey Real Estate, RBC Bank, Hey Ray Real Estate, Betty D’Oliviera Real Estate, Canadian Tire, Glen Williams Town Hall, Chiropractor Dr. Mark Hassard, Otten & Otten Construction, Paul Armstrong Insurance Brokers, Quik Auto Repair, Superior Glove Works, Young’s Pharmacy, McDonald’s Restaurant and Unilock. Thank you for helping us help others. ![]() |
Remembrance Day2020 Remembrance Day Celebrations will look a little different this year, but we will always Remember. To all those who have fought and supported our country. Thank you. Happy Remembrance Day. |
Bid Online to Win!!![]() The Rotary club of Georgetown, working in partnership with other Rotary clubs in surrounding communities, are holding an online auction from Nov 7th - 21st. There are over 1,000 items available for your bidding, from electronics, fashion, hardware, hobbies, household appliances, grocery store gift cards, home décor, services, sports, and much more…are all listed at www.rotaryonlineauction.ca We have been helping people in our community for 65 years. A few of the many organizations we support include Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills, Georgetown Hospital, Food4Kids, Georgetown Breadbasket, Halton Women’s Place, and Links2Care. All proceeds from the auction support humanitarian projects and charities within our local communities and worldwide. Please help us help others. |
Planting For Our FutureOn October 3rd, 2020, The Rotary Club of Georgetown organized and led an ambitious project to plant 2020 trees along the Hungry Hollow Trail network in Halton Hills. This initiative, “Planting For Our Future,” was part of the club’s goal to positively impact the natural environment of our town for generations while recognizing the club's 65th Anniversary. “We decided, what better way to celebrate our anniversary in 2020, than to come together with members of the Georgetown community, to plant two thousand and twenty trees,” said Mike Elsey, Club President and project lead. “This would be ten times larger than any previous tree planting in Georgetown!” The initiative was over one year in planning, involving extensive consultations with municipal government and local conservation authorities. The ever-changing landscape of COVID-19 created volunteer restrictions and several unforeseen challenges. The club adapted and persevered. At 9am on October 3rd the Rotary Club of Georgetown, along with 80 volunteers, planted 1,750 trees, in thick grass, up hills, in clay and rocky soil, along the trail. Though it was VERY hard work, the day was filled with smiles, laughter, and socially distanced group pictures. Together, with the community of Georgetown, we planted a forest. While the sun was setting, our club and volunteers realized that our ambitious goal would take more than a day to achieve. Not to be discouraged, the unanimous decision was made to continue on. Finding time throughout the next week, members planted in the area. Within 6 days, all the trees had found a home in Halton Hills and the Rotary Club of Georgetown had met the goal of planting 2020 trees! Our goal could not have been achieved without the funding provided by TD Friends of the Environment, the Town of Halton Hills, and a generous contribution by an anonymous club member.
Exchange Year CompletedLud, our exchange student, has returned to her home in Lima, Peru, after spending almost a year in Canada. In that time, she became fluent in English and completed 7 high school credits. She helped with Rotary activities. She made new friends, and enriched the lives of the families who hosted her. She enjoyed new activities in both winter and summer. Lud says that she loves Canada and hopes to return soon.
Celebrating our Healthcare Heroes, Supporting Local BusinessesThe Rotary Club of Georgetown honoured our healthcare heroes during International Nurses' Week. On Mother's Day we delivered cookies to Georgetown Memorial Hospital's Emergency Department for all the medical staff risking their own health and missing their Mother's Day festivities in order to care for others. On Wednesday, we supplied lunch to all the staff at Mountainview Residence, who have spent many weeks on the front line of Halton Hills' COVID-19 hotspot. We capped off the week with a Friday delivery back to the hospital with cookies for all staff. We were pleased through this initiative to bring some needed business to Teddy's Greek Grill, Terra Cotta Cookie Company, and Heather's Bakery, all in Georgetown. Our healthcare workers continue to put in long shifts in risky situations to care for others. When we feel stressed about the impact on our lives of the pandemic, imagine how bad this would be without these dedicated workers in our community. We owe them so much gratitude.
A Message from the Town of Halton HillsIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of Halton Hills is working with Halton Region, municipalities and local organizations to help the most vulnerable residents. A team of Town Staff are combining and streamlining efforts to meet community needs as they arise during the pandemic. Several key areas have already been identified such as: food security, isolated older adults, youth services, housing, active Living/well-being and community safety. A reminder that the latest local information can be found at: https://www.haltonhills. For those looking to help immediately, the United Way has set up an (https://give.unitedway.ca/ We can connect residents to the right agency or service should they require help. If you know someone, or require help yourself, please contact Service Halton Hills at 905-873-2600. During a time like this, many people will step up to volunteer. We are handling this delicately as residents are reminded to stay home and social distance themselves. If you would like to be placed on a volunteer registry, please contact Service Halton Hills at 905-873-2600. Physical distancing is up to you. Stay safe. haltonhills.ca |
Rotary Club of Georgetown Response to COVID-19 Outbreak
65th Anniversary Celebration![]() On Monday February 17th the Rotary Club of Georgetown celebrated it's 65th Anniversary. Current members hosted the evening, honoring Paul Harris Fellows, present and past, for their generous contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
Christmas in Canada![]() Our exchange student Lud, from Peru, enjoys Christmas in Canada, seeing Niagara Falls and learning to ice skate.
Tri-Club CelebrationOn Thursday night the members of Georgetown, Acton and Milton Rotary Clubs had a Tri-club celebration with our District Governor, Lesley Barmania. Networking was followed by dinner and presentations. Special Guests at the dinner included Gordon Krantz, Mayor of Milton and newly elected MP, Adam van Koeverden.
Rotary club of Itezhi-tezhi project![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown was thrilled to partner with the newly formed Rotary Club of Itezhi-tezhi in Zambia to supply school uniforms. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Projects in ZambiaThe Rotary club of Georgetown has been actively supporting rural communities in Zambia through various projects. One of them was for the provision of equipment and the electricity connection for the Life Impact Training Centre what was established by the International Teams Canada (Impact Zambia) to support the community and leadership development efforts. It strives to make income-generating skills training and personal development available to people who would otherwise would not have had access to such opportunities. The need for this training centre was identified during the Rotary International Matching Grant project (2010-2014) that provided sewing training and equipment to 50 women in rural areas. Since then, many more benefited by receiving sewing, carpentry, catering, building or plumbing training, as well as courses such as small business training, and personal development. We have seen communities being transformed where someone took their new skill, turned it into a business employing others, and making goods available in communities where people would otherwise have to travel far. Most recently, Georgetown Rotary Club paid for the materials required for electricity connection that was completed last month. Having electricity will bring training centre to a different level and increase opportunities. The club also arranged for 25 soccer balls that were distributed by the Impact Zambia team who visited in August.
65th Annual Norm Bigg Senior Citizens Dinner![]() On Thursday November 07, 2019 the Rotary Club of Georgetown celebrated the 65th Annual “Norm Bigg” Senior Citizens Dinner at the Living Hope Alliance Church. This year, close to 200 senior citizens were treated to a delicious meal and entertained by the Georgetown Seniors Centre Band. This is the Rotary Club’s way to acknowledge and give thanks to those who have contributed to the vibrant and caring community that Georgetown is today. This project is the longest, continuous-running dinner in Rotary International’s 35,727 clubs worldwide. On February 17, 2005 the Rotary Club of Georgetown reached the milestone of providing service work to the town of Georgetown for 50 years. On June 30, 2005 the Rotary Club of Georgetown was presented with the prestigious Rotary International Significant Achievement Award for outstanding service in the community for holding the annual Senior Citizens Dinner for 50 consecutive. The club would like to thank all of the sponsors who made this event a success -
Rotary Veterans BreakfastThe 19th annual Rotary Veterans Breakfast was held at the Hillsview Active Living Center in Georgetown on Monday November 04, 2019. There were 52 attendees in total – 29 Veterans plus their 4 guests, 8 special guests/speakers and 11 Rotarians. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Head for the Hills - 2019![]() Another successful Georgetown Craft Beer Festival - Head for the Hills had it's biggest year yet! Close to 6,000 people enjoyed the perfect weather, great beer, cider, food and entertainment! This event is 100% volunteer run and 100% of the profits goes back into the community. Click here for more pictures of this event: https://www.rotarygeorgetown-on.ca/PhotoAlbums/head-for-the-hills-2019 This event is proudly run by four of the local service clubs - Rotary Club of Georgetown, Georgetown Kinsmen, Georgetown Kiwanis and Lions Club of Georgetown. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lud arrives from PeruWe are so happy to welcome Lud, our international exchange student from Lima Peru who will be spending this coming year at GDHS in Georgetown. |
Changeover Dinner 2019![]() Members of the Rotary Club of Georgetown gathered to thank outgoing president Ryan McLaughlin for his service and leadership over the past 12 months. We are happy to welcome our new president, Rick Kritschgau, who will take over the helm July 1, 2019. The evening also provided the opportunity to reflect on our achievements as a club this year, and to set our sights on new opportunities for fundraising and providing service to the community of Georgetown as well as to those in need who live elsewhere in the world. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rotary Club serves Pancakes at Bike it to Market Event![]() The Rotary Club helped out at the 2019 Bike It To Market event, serving free pancakes, juice and coffee to all who chose to visit the market by bicycle. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rotary Club Supports Jurassic Park Halton Hills
Supporting the Georgetown Hospital FoundationThe Rotary Club was pleased to contribute to the 2019 Georgetown Hospital Foundation Gala. The club sponsored a live auction item, a private shopping spree for two at Studio 49 in Georgetown. The bidding on the item closed at $2,250. In total, the gala raised over $140,000. Proceeds from the event will be used to purchase vital surgical and lifesaving equipment, such as 2 new defibrillators and resuscitation carts for the Emergency Department. Rotary is proud to support Georgetown Hospital. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Funding Mental Health Support for Youth
Youth Exchange - Bogusz![]() During the 2017- 2018 school year the Rotary Club of Georgetown hosted Bogusz Glaza who came to us from Poland. For over 75 years, students and host families have broadened their horizons through Rotary Youth Exchange. More than 80 countries and over 8,000 students each year participate in the program, which is administered at the regional level by Rotary districts and at the local level by Rotary clubs. Bogusz enjoyed his time at the Georgetown District High School, attending Rotary events, meeting other exchange students and making lifetime friends and memories. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tree Planting 2019![]() The Rotary Club planted 20 new trees in Joseph Gibbons Park, On Delrex Boulevard, on Saturday April 27, 2019, in celebration of Earth Week. The new saplings accompany the 19 trees the club planted one year ago in response to a challenge to all clubs around the world from Rotary International to plant a tree per Rotary member - 1.2 million trees in total. This year’s planting was only a local club event, but represents a continuation of a new worthwhile tradition here in Georgetown. The Rotary Club of Georgetown is thankful to the Town of Halton Hills, Department of Recreation and Parks, and Planning and Sustainability, for their support in planning this initiative. Click here for more pictures - |
Aidan's Going to BrazilIt was an exciting day in February when the Outbound Youth Exchange students learned which countries they would be living in for the 2018-2019 school year. The Rotary Club of Georgetown is sponsoring Aidan from Georgetown District High School, who will be travelling to Brazil for his next year of school!! |
Ham and Cheese SalesLeading up to the Christmas season, the Rotary Club sold hams and cheese with all of the proceeds going to our international Impact Zambia Project. In total, over $2,100 was raised for the project. Additionally, 136 hams were donated to the Georgetown Bread Basket food bank.
64th Annual “Norm Bigg” Senior Citizens DinnerOn Thursday November 08, 2018 the Rotary Club of Georgetown celebrated the 64th Annual “Norm Bigg” Senior Citizens Dinner at the Living Hope Alliance Church. This year, 250 senior citizens were treated to a delicious meal and entertained by the Georgetown Seniors Centre Band. This is the Rotary Club’s way to acknowledge and give thanks to those who have contributed to the vibrant and caring community that Georgetown is today. This project is the longest, continuous-running dinner in Rotary International’s 35,727 clubs worldwide. On February 17, 2005 the Rotary Club of Georgetown reached the milestone of providing service work to the town of Georgetown for 50 years. On June 30, 2005 the Rotary Club of Georgetown was presented with the prestigious Rotary International Significant Achievement Award for outstanding service in the community for holding the annual Senior Citizens Dinner for 50 consecutive years! |
18th Annual Rotary Veterans BreakfastThe 18th annual Rotary Veterans Breakfast was held at Ares Restaurant on Friday November 02, 2018. There were 52 attendees in total – 20 Veterans plus their 7 guests, 9 special guests/speakers and 16 Rotarians. ![]() |
Head for the Hills Craft Beer Festival![]() On September 15, the Rotary Club of Georgetown, in partnership with other service clubs, hosted the fourth annual Head for the Hills Craft Beer Festival in Georgetown. There were 42 breweries present, 15 gourmet food trucks, and live entertainment all day. Mother Nature cooperated, providing a hot humid day, perfect for tasting a few beers. About 5,300 people attended the event, which was supported by over 165 volunteers. Proceeds went to Food4Kids, The Georgetown Hospital Foundation, Cancer Assist Services of Halton Hills, and Field of Dreams and to fund other local projects of the four host service clubs. Click here for more pictures of this event: Mark your calendars for the upcoming festival which will be help on Saturday September 14th from noon until 6 pm at the Trafalgar Sports Park. |
Rotary Supports Youth - Bring your Family to the Movie Under the Stars event!![]() The Georgetown Rotary Club is actively engaged with supporting the youth in our community. We are are pleased to promote this community event, an evening truly full of fun family and highly engaging. When/Where Saturday, August 18, is the Movie Under the Stars event, at the Gellert Community Centre. All proceeds go to the Georgetown Youth Drop-In Centre. ![]() |
Rotary Annual District 7080 Changeover and Awards Celebration
Rotary Breakfast - Bike-it-to Market Event![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown was thrilled to sponsor the pancake breakfast at the Town of Halton Hills Bike-it-to Market event on Saturday, June 16th. Rotarians had fun flipping pancakes, along with coffee and McDonald's "Orange Drink" provided FREE of charge to any cyclist, who pedalled to Market. Fun day engaging with the community. |
Welcome Incoming President![]() The Georgetown Rotary Club held a formal President Handover Ceremony to celebrate current President - Peter Zavitz. Peter reflected on the past year and the contributions made by rotarians to the community, in addition recognizing many new members who have joined the club and the new energy that brings. The evening then transitioned to welcome incoming President - R.J. McLaughlin for upcoming 2018/2019 term. Welcome RJ! (Photo: R.J. McLaughlin and Peter Zavitz) ![]() |
The Rotary Club of Georgetown Participates in the 1.2 Million Tree Planting Challenge!![]() The Rotary Tree Planting challenge was initiated when the President of Rotary International, Ian Riseley (Rotary Club of Sandringham, Australia), asked ALL 1.2 million Rotarians across the World to plant ONE tree. In response, the Georgetown Rotarians set out to contribute to this goal by organizing a club tree planting event. On April 28th, in celebration of Earth Week, 19 members of the Georgetown Rotary Club and volunteers gathered to plant 19 trees in Joseph Gibbons Park, on Delrex Boulevard. (Tree varieties include: Red Maples, Sugar Maples, Paper Birch, Red Oak). Georgetown Rotarians are thrilled to contribute locally to the Rotary Tree Planting Challenge, as the outcome Worldwide is significant. Our collective efforts will result in over a million trees placed in forests and open park spaces which are under threat from disappearing. “Environmental sustainability…is, and must be, everyone’s concern.” 2017-2018 RI PRESIDENT IAN RISELEY. We would like to thank the support received by the Town of Halton Hills, Recreation and Parks and Planning and Sustainability as we planned our tree planting event. We plan to do more in the future! If you are interested to contribute to a future tree planting please contact our club http://rotarygeorgetown-on.ca/ Please also watch our video which captures our event. https://www.facebook.com/rotarygeorgetown/videos/1819662841423854/ ![]() |
Support to Georgetown Hospital![]() The Rotary Club provided a donation of $5000 to the Georgetown Hospital Foundation, supporting their $1.5 million Project X campaign to acquire updated digital x-Ray technology. To acknowledge the donation, and provide comfort to those attending the hospital, a bench has been installed outside the main entrance of the hospital. ![]() |
Congratulations to Katie!Congratulations to Katie, our outbound exchange student for 2015-2016. She will be going to Brazil!
Eu espero que voce gosta o seu tempo no Brasil.
(photo Katie and Kristi)
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60th Anniversary Party HighlightsOn February 21st, the Rotary Club of Georgetown, celebrated our 60th Anniversary at the Club at North Halton. Thank you to John Discenza for being a wonderful Master of Ceremony, and to our other speakers Barry Timleck, Barry Edington and Ave Edington. We also were congratulated by The Honourable Michael Chong, MP and Councillor Jane Fogal.
President Doreen Govas (centre), with Katie (outbound exchange student to Brazil) and Tamara (our inbound exchange student from Ecuador).
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Congratulations to Alycia Boschman - Winner of First Prize Trip!Congratulations to Alycia Boschman, winner of the trip for two to Grand Velas Resort in Riviera Maya! Also, to Lee Pacheco, 2nd prize winner of the Niagara Wine Tour and Yvonne McDonald 3rd prize winner of the iPad Mini! Last but not least, congratulations to Georgetown Rotary for achieving 60 great years of service!
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Rotary Youth Exchange - Announcement DayA MUST WATCH video. This was taken on Announcement Day 2014 (there`s Anna from Estonia and Lauren who is now in Italy!!!).
Volunteer at the Bennett CentreBennett Health Care Centre is looking for volunteers for an hour to two a week. See the flyer for more info!
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Tamara from Ecudor Prepares for the Santa Claus Parade![]() Preparing for the Burlington Santa Clause Parade! Burlington Rotaract Rotary Club of Burlington Central. Tamara is 2nd from the left, front row.
Congratulations to Michael Hope Winner of the HondaMichael Hope, winner of the Honda, is joined by many of the Georgetown Rotarians and Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette for the presentation of the car at Dominion Gardens Playground.
Included with the presentation of the car is also a cheque of the proceeds from the raffle for almost $40,000. Congratulations to everyone! With this draw, everyone was a winner!
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Early Bird Winner of a 3 Pack of Tickets AnnouncedCongratulations to Jasper Megelink! He is the winner of the early bird draw on Sunday, September 28th, for a three pack of Honda raffle tickets! The big draw, for the Honda is only two weeks away!!! Hurry to get your ticket before they're gone - tickets available online (see below) or from any Rotarian.
Let's Play Together VideoI am a Rotarian in Georgetown, ON, and we have a project that I’d like to share with you. Many people in Georgetown have seen us out and about selling raffle tickets for a Honda. What we are really selling is a dream – a fully accessible playground that is safe for all children and families. Several years ago, our Rotary Club decided to create a play space for children, and we raised close to $200,000 to develop an area of the Dominion Gardens playground with surfaces and equipment especially designed for children with physical limitations. Our project now is to finish that job by replacing the woodchips with rubberized surfaces. Why is the Rotary Club of Georgetown committed to completing the universally accessible playground? Because all children should be able to play together – regardless of the physical abilities.
Please enjoy this one minute video, filmed at the playground, to illustrate the need and support the cause - Let's play together video
National statistics tell us that 3.1% of Canadian children have a physical disability. Georgetown has an estimated population of 7,250 children under the age of twelve, indicating that we have approximately 224 children in town with a physical disability. We want to provide a safe physical space with equipment designed for ease of access. We believe these children deserve a safe place to play with other children – after all, it’s better to play together. In fact, the video I have included with this email is about Chase Galea, a 7 year old boy in our area who was born with quad Cerebral Palsy. He is typical for his age in that he loves to play, race around, cool off on the splash pad, and make new friends.
This is my direct appeal to seek your support to help Rotary finalize the Universally Accessible Children's Playground (UACP) that requires the installation of a rubberized ground cover in place of wood chips that basically impedes the pushing of wheel chairs, maneuvering with canes, as you can see from the video.
We need to complete the playground...so our car raffle is back...bigger and better than ever. Your donation will go a long way towards our goal, you’ll feel better about helping Chase, and other children like him, and you could win a new car – talk about a win, win, win!
Win a 2014 Honda Civic EX (total value $26,901.23) o 4-door sedan
o automatic
o loaded
o winner may negotiate with Georgetown Honda for a different vehicle (no cash value)
Honda Civic EX draw date: Saturday October 18 at 2:00 p.m. at Georgetown Honda
Get in on the action...buy your tickets here: http://rotarygeorgetown-
· Only 750 tickets will be sold (and each ticket has an Oil Change special rate coupon!) at $100 per ticket or 3 for $250 – fantastic odds but even more important – for a really good cause!
I would be pleased if you would forward this request on to your email contacts and Facebook friends. Thank-you for your assistance in helping us help the children in our community. Written by Susan Housel
Lauren's Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser a Super SuccessLauren's Spaghetti Supper fundraiser was awesome! It was a packed hall and the Iron Siren's Riding Club for Chicks, Halton Hills chapter came out in numbers to support Rotary! Thanks to everyone for supporting Lauren's Rotary Youth Exchange trip to Italy.
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District Governor Patsy Marshall VisitsWe were honoured to have District Governor Patsy Marshall visit our club this past Friday.
Patsy's message:
For most clubs and the District, membership growth is a priority in the coming year. Our goal over the next two years is to grow District 7080 to 2000+ members which will require a net increase of approximately 200 Rotarians, or 2-3 members per club per year. ![]() |
Congratulations to our Early Bird Prize Winner!Heather Price-Jones is the winner of the iPad! Our next early bird draw is September 28th at noon at Holy Cross Church. You could win a 3-pack Honda Raffle tickets (value $250)! Buy your tickets now!
2FourtyTwo Church Canoe Raffle for Food BankDustin and Robert of 2FortyTwo Church visited our club this morning to introduce themselves and give us the opportunity to support the Food Bank via a Canoe Raffle. The canoe is custom made and the pictures we saw were beautiful!
Click on the canoe image below to get to their website to purchase your tickets now!
Dustin showing up the canoe at our Friday meeting.
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Thumbs up for Halton Women's Place |
Photos from Canada Day in the GlenSee photos from Canada in the Glen here!
Playground Damaged by VandalsThis was recently in the news... we are so sad to hear of the damage to the playground surface we worked so hard to have installed! You can help us to finish the surface by purchasing your ticket for our Honda Car Raffle at http://www.rotarygeorgetown-on.ca/Stories/win-this-car-build-a-local-playground
Saturday, June 21 Firefighters responded to the report of a fire in the area of Guelph St. and Maple Ave. at the Dominion Gardens play area at 2:13 a.m. Upon arrival on scene crews located a small pile of clothing burning in the play area. The fire was on the cork of the playground and was an area of approximately 2 feet by 2 feet and had damaged the cork under the clothing. Crews extinguished the fire and then removed the burned clothing to the parking area and added more water to ensure the clothing was out. http://www.theifp.ca/news/fire-calls-2/ |
Men to Walk in Heels to Show Support for Women![]() |
Car Raffle comes to Georgetown Farmers MarketIf you missed us this weekend at the Georgetown Farmers Market, we'll be there again on July 19 and 26th. Plus, there is still time to get your tickets for the Honda Car Raffle in support of the Universally Accessible Children's Playground at Dominion Gardens Park. And there is a new early bird draw to be held on August 19th for an iPad Air!
Click here to buy your tickets on line! http://www.rotarygeorgetown-on.ca/Stories/win-this-car-build-a-local-playground
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Canada Day in the Glen!Come out to see us at Canada Day in Glen Williams. We'll be in the parade with 2 entries - for the Car Raffle and for Hope in High Heels. We'll also be selling our famous Montreal Smoked Meat sandwiches to support the food bank!
Watch for our float in the Canada Day Parade in Glen Williams. You still have time to register for 'Hope in High Heels' a (really short) walk to support Halton Women's Place. Don't like to walk in high heels? Just sponsor someone to support the shelter.
Visit our website page for walk registration link and info! http://rotarygeorgetown-on.ca/Stories/hope-in-high-heel-is-july-12 ![]() |
Local Paper Publishes Raffle InfoIf you missed it, check out the IFP article about the Honda Raffle to support the completion of Dominion Garden's Universally Accessible Children's Playground at http://www.theifp.ca/news/car-is-top-prize-in-rotary-raffle
Anna's Farewell Party at OrmondsAnna, our Estonian exchange student, is heading back to Estonia next week after a successful year in Canada. We will miss you Anna!
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Mohawk Race Night a Success!Thank you to all the attendees of our super successful Mohawk tri-club race night.
Special thanks to Leslie for organizing the event and to Peter for keeping track of all the people!
Introduction to FacebookThanks to Alex Hilson for presenting an Introduction to Facebook at our last meeting. Alex's presentation can be found here.
Also, there is a really great free training site at http://www.gcflearnfree.org/facebook101
Halton Women's Shelter - Golf TournamentOn behalf of Carmela Bozzo, of Halton Women's Shelter we're please to help to announce their Golf Tournament.
Our Golf Tourn
We’d love to see you there as we raise much needed awareness and funds for the ONLY women’s shelter in the Region!
Please call or email me to register – only $200 for a day of golf (including lunch and dinner) or $750 for your foursome!
When – June 24
Time – 10:30 registration/lunch
Shotgun start – 12noon
Where – Crosswinds Golf & Country Club – 6621 Guelph Line, Burlington
Doug Penrice Talks about Halton Hills New BrandDoug Penrice from the Town of Halton Hills was our guest speaker on Friday. He brough us up to date on the new Halton Hills community brand (which is most excellent!).
![]() For more information, click on read more or visit the town website at: http://www.haltonhills.ca/CommunityBrand/index.php
Hope in High Heels is July 12! Register to participate or sponsor someone now : at Halton Women's Place https://www.gifttool.com/athon/SignUpMode?ID=85&AID=2751
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Win this car! Build a local playground!![]() Get a ticket for a chance to win this Honda Civic Sedan and support the completion of the Universally Accessible Children's Playground at Dominion Gardens Park in Georgetown, Ontario. Tickets are 1 for $100 or a 3 pack for $250.
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Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Events!Calling all Rotary members and friends/family of Rotary! You don't need to be a member to help with these worthy causes. Come out and have some fun!
![]() June 14: And!!! Bike-it to market is on Saturday, June 14. We need pancake makers and transportation for the BBQ.
July 1: We also need many volunteers for our two parade entries and booth for Canada Day (July 1) in the Glen. We have a float to advertise the walk in support of Halton's Women's place. We also will have the car out, which will be raffled off to support the completion of the Dominion Garden's accessible children's playground. Again, you can volunteer by dropping at note to georgetownrotary@gmail.com.
And, And, And!!! Tent rental season is in full swing. Stay tuned for specifics from Glenn.
Youth Exchange News 2014-2015Great news! We have just received info that our 2014-2015 youth exchange inbound student is Tamara from Ecuador! Welcome! More info to follow.
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Dave Heydon Visits from chasethedream.ca![]() Dave Heydon was our guest speaker this past Friday to update us on the Chase the Dream Motorcycle Ride and Show. Friends and motorcycle buffs will gather at the Terra Cotta Inn on Sunday, August 24, 2014 for a motorcycle ride in support of a local youngster who suffers from cerebral palsy. The Ride and Show will start at 11 a.m. (registration is at 9:30 a.m.) with riders departing from King Street for a ride through the Caledon hills.
Paws to Read at LibraryTherapeutic Paws of Canada volunteers are involved with a number of activities in the community, including the Paws To Read reading program.
Please read more by clicking 'read more' link below to the right.
Photo: from the Paws To Read program that was running for the past 12 weeks at the Halton Hills Christian School with two dogs on the job... Summer in the foreground and little Gracie in back. The school has requested the dogs return in the Fall since they are making a difference to their students who are reluctant readers.
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Acton Gala Dinner and Auction a SuccessActon held their annual Gala Dinner and Auction at Blue Springs Golf Course on Saturday. It was a packed house and many great items were up for auction, with added bonus of a wonderful dinner.
(Photo: President-elect Doreen, President Linda and Exchange student Anna-Liisa at the Acton Rotary Gala. Great time!)
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Ninth Line Golf Helps with our Swing![]() Paul and Darrel Skidmore were our presenters last Friday from Ninth Line Family Golf Academy which is a family owned and operated driving range that specializes in catering to golfers of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or experience player, they can provide you with an opportunity to:
- Learn fundamentals
- Improve your swing - Increase your overall enjoyment of the game Paul gave our members some pointers on a good swing and we learned about the great corporate and party packages they offer, including mini-golf!
Stay tuned for a club outing and join us!
Old Rotarian Magazine's Wanted!Our PR Guru, Alex, has agreed to distribute 'pre-owned' Rotarian magazines to Doctor/Dentist/Auto dealership/auto repair/etc. places around town as a way of increasing local awareness about what we do!
We will add a label to each magazine to:
So, for our next meeting, please bring in your Rotarian magazines (International and Canadian versions). We'll take it from there (although you will be asked to take a few to any upcoming appointments that you may have)! |
Food4Kids Donation![]() ![]() Thank you so much – to all of you - for the incredibly generous donation to Food4Kids. I just did the math, and because of the efforts of the Georgetown Rotary, all five children in our one local Public School Program will receive food bags each week for the entire summer. This is exceptionally special to me because this school was the first school we initiated into the program last September due to a significant need by three families in particular. The littlest one in the program is only two years old!
The families have already started to worry about how they will feed their children throughout the summer, so it is with great happiness that we will be able to offer them such peace of mind.
You truly are a wonderful group of people!! How proud I am to be part of Rotary.
Bill Stensson CEO Sheridan Nurseries Visits![]() ![]() Mr. Bill Stensson, CEO Sheridan Nurseries presented to our club last week, celebrating Sheridan's 100th year in 2013. From their modest beginnings in 1913, Sheridan has nine modern garden centres in the GTA and DW areas. One of the most interesting green initiatives is that drip irrigation has replaced sprinklers & broadcast watering reducing water consumption by up to 80%!
At Sheridan, a leader means more than being the most successful or the most on-trend. It means anticipating their guests needs to improve their experience while setting an example in corporate social responsibility. They have designed an Environmental Plan that will see changes at their offices, farms and garden centres as part of a long-term commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability. Visit the Sheridan website 'Green Initiatives' here. Mr. Stensson was also a Rotary Group Study Exchange participant some years back! Rotary is everywhere!
Spelling Bee Time!![]() The event is happening on Thursday, May 1 at Granite Ridge Golf Club. Visit http://www.grategroanup.com/ for more info.
An old-fashioned spelling bee with a twist! Teams of three from local businesses and groups work together to spell their words, in support of a great cause – literacy in our communities. Now in its 11th year, ‘The Bee’ is an annual fundraiser for Literacy North Halton/Adult Learning Centre and and brings together teams from Georgetown, Acton and Milton businesses and organizations in a hilarious battle for spelling supremacy.
Don't forget to like their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/grategroanup
Cashh (Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills) Visits![]() Merry Little and Pat Stuart presented to our club last Friday and updated us on Cashh's mission statement, activities to assist Cancer patients and upcoming April Campaign.
Visit the Cashh website at http://www.cancerassistance.org/
Cashh is different Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills is not associated with any cancer organization, nor do we receive any government grants to fund our services. We are entirely dependent on this community’s generosity and support. Our mandate is to help those touched with cancer. Where does your donation go? The majority of your donations go directly to our patient programs; only a small amount is used for fundraising, administration and overhead expenses. Please be assured that your donations are managed responsibily, and stay within the Halton Hills community. Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills 2014 Campaign Update
Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills 2014 Campaign Update
Cancer Assistance Services of Halton Hills 2014 Campaign Update
Creation of Hope UpdateOur club recently made a donation to Creation of Hope and they have graciously sent us a note and pictures of the result. "I hope this email finds you well. Yesterday we had our monthly food distribution and used the van for the very first time to do the round. There was no matatu and it felt so good to be able to do this exercise without considering that we had only three hours to finish the first leg. I have attached some photos of the van leaving in the morning. My son has been coming to drive each distribution." ![]() |
An Update from Chris FioritoChris provided us an update on her work in Guatemala. Read the update, with photos, here. ![]() |
Derek Alton Visits from Tamarack![]() We were privileged to have Derek Alton present at our last meeting. Derek works with Tamarack, an Institute for Community Engagement.
Derek and his team are having 'a thousand conversations' across Canada with all types of communities looking for new ways to address poverty - check out http://seekingcommunity.ca
Imagine: city planners designing neighborhoods to increase social capital; elderly people staying in their neighborhoods for another 5 years; mental health rates declining because neighbours are caring for each other and creating a greater sense of connection and belonging together...
For more information, visit http://tamarackcommunity.ca
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Alex Updates Us on Social Media![]() Alex Hilson provided our Club with an update on current uses and future plans for social media. Stay tuned for Alex's upcoming lesson on Facebook! As Alex said, "some of you have been Rotarians for 45 years, imagine all the great experiences you have to share!" Let's get the word out to everyone on how great Rotary is in our lives, and could be in their lives and the lives of people in our community.
Don't forget to like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/rotarygeorgetown
Presentation by Nicholas Discenza of Sustainable.to![]() Nicholas Discenza spoke to our club today about low cost and low energy house designs, including his winning design for homes in New Orleans. Visit his website for more info. (Plus, Nicholas was a Rotary exchange student who went to Ecudaor!) Thanks Nicolas! http://www.sustainable.to/
Photo: President Linda Zammit, Linda Discenza and Nick Discenza in his original Youth Exchange jacket!
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Welcome LeslieBarry T. welcomed our newest Club member, Leslie, by administering the 'test'. Leslie passed with flying colours. Welcome Leslie.
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The Timleck's Visit to ChinaThank you to Jane, Sandra and Barry for sharing their experiences while in China. The presentation was fantastic and showed us history, modern day life and aspects of Chinese culture. We also noted that Barry made it to the top when climbing the great wall, with some fanfare!
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Another Fantastic Gala!![]() Thank you to all who donated to the silent auction, our guests and volunteers. A special thanks to Eric and Anita Walters from Creation of Hope for their presentation. Mark your calendars for next years event!
New Facebook Community Page Launched![]() We're launched a new community organization Facebook page! Please like us at www.facebook.com/rotarygeorgetown. A special thanks to Alex Hilson for getting us moving on this and for his inspirational quotes.
Grade 3 Dictionaries Distributed![]() Thank you to all the club members who supported the Grade 3 Dictionary program by distributing dictionaries to all the local public schools in Georgetown the week of January 20! As you can see from the Thank You note received, they were very much appreciated.
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Literacy North Halton Donation and Tri-Club MeetingLiteracy North Halton joined the Acton, Milton and Georgetown clubs for an excellent dinner hosted by Acton at newly renovated Acton Town Hall. The dinner was fabulous and it was a great turnout. After the cheque presentation by Acton and Georgetown to Literacy North Halton, Anna Liisa Johanson (Estonia) and Nicola Fiori (Italy) presented an update on their home towns and their past 5 months in Canada. The evening ended with announcements by each club and a challenge for the three clubs to support each other by attending the 3 upcoming Rotary gala dinners (stay tuned for details!).
Food 4Kids - speaker Leslie Salisbury![]() Leslie Salisbury joined us as our guest speaker on January 10th to provide insight into the Food4Kids program. "A 10 year old boy waited outside the locked doors of a school breakfast program. The program was to start at 8:15 and the child stood outside at 7:15 in the dark, in the cold and alone. He explained he had not had any food on the weekend and was hungry. Could he please have some food? This child inspired the launch of the Food4Kids program."
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Happy New Year!![]() May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!
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Brent's Update from VenezuelaOur outbound exchange student, Brent, updates us on how his exchange is going in Venezuela.
Club Schedule for Updating the Website and Bulletin
Thank you Tom!![]() Tom was presented with a small gift for hosting the Grab Bag for 15 years including 10,000 pics & newsy bites of interest, entertaining Rotarians and friends in several countries and provinces.
Another Great PartyOur annual Christmas Party at the Timlecks brought lots of guests and long-time friends. Many thanks to our hosts Barry and Sandra!
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Building a Preschool Kindergarten in Oltpesi N. Tanzania![]() Several years ago, the Rotary of Georgetown (a major contibutor to this effort) and another club in this district decided to take on the task of raising the funds to build a pre-school kindergartenin the area of Oltpesi, N. Tanzania after personally seeing the condition of the old school while on another project.
Youth Exchange Student Lauren!![]() Congratulations to Lauren who was selected from a group of outstanding applicants to become our 2014/2015 Youth Exchange Student ambassador.
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59th Annual Seniors Dinner![]() Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors and the seniors for making the 59th Annual Norm Bigg's Seniors Dinner another great success! Special thanks to Doreen Govas of Ares Restaurant for organizing and catering this years event. Click on 'Read more' to see all the photos!
Barb Fisk on Vocational ServiceBarb Fisk presented on the topid of Rotary Vocational Service. For more information visit www.rotary.org/en/document/569.
Veteran's Breakfast
This is Georgetown Rotary's 39th year hosting our veterans breakfast. This year we drew 27 of our finest.
Our speaker was Lorne Scots regiment's Mike Kase. A 15 year veteran of operations in Yugoslavia, Kabul, Afghanistan, and peacekeeping in Bosnia. |
Welcome Anna!
Tent Rental![]() The Rotary Club of Georgetown has a large tent available to local businesses, groups and individuals for special events. Tent Rental Pricing https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000000150/en-ca/files/homepage/tent-rental-rates-2024/Rotary-Tent-Rental-Rates-2024.pdf Tent Rental Contract https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000000150/en-ca/files/homepage/tent-rental-contract/Rotary_Tent_Rental_Contract1.pdf Email us at georgetownrotary@gmail.com for more info. |
Club BrochurePlease review our new club brochure. We`d like to have one last look before we send it off to the printer for printing! Thanks for all the feedback, it`s looking great! Click here to see the latest version of the brochure. |