Dave Heydon Visits from chasethedream.ca

Dave Heydon was our guest speaker this past Friday to update us on the Chase the Dream Motorcycle Ride and Show. Friends and motorcycle buffs will gather at the Terra Cotta Inn on Sunday, August 24, 2014 for a motorcycle ride in support of a local youngster who suffers from cerebral palsy. The Ride and Show will start at 11 a.m. (registration is at 9:30 a.m.) with riders departing from King Street for a ride through the Caledon hills.
Chase Galea was born almost four months premature. Now five, Chase has lived with cerebral palsy (CP) along with moderate to severe hearing loss, and is also affected by occasional seizures.
CP is a disorder that affects muscle tone, movement and motor skills, and can lead to vision, hearing, speech problems and learning disabilities. Unfortunately, there is no cure for CP.
Conductive Education Therapy is only one of the many treatments and therapies that Chase receives.
Conductive Education, or CE, is an educational system that has been specifically developed for children or adults who have motor disorders of neurological origin such as cerebral palsy. CE is based on the idea of teaching the body to move by way of appropriate teaching methods and repetition. Intentional movement is integrated into tasks and practiced repeatedly in order to create new neural pathways allowing more controlled muscle movement.
In addition to the daily Conductive Therapy, Chase’s family spends thousands of dollars every year for special equipment and surgery, none of which is covered by the federal or provincial governments.
Having no support from the government, the family relies on donations.
Local friends and motorcycle enthusiasts have come together to organize the first annual Chase The Dream Motorcycle Ride and Show to raise funds for Chase.
The event will include a motorcycle ride and show, prizes and live music. The public is welcome to come out to see the motorcycles on display and vote for their favourites.
Tickets can be purchased for a chance to win “Cheer for a Year” and other great prizes. The event promises to be a fun-filled afternoon for people of all ages.
For event details visit www.chasethedream.ca
CP is a disorder that affects muscle tone, movement and motor skills, and can lead to vision, hearing, speech problems and learning disabilities. Unfortunately, there is no cure for CP.
Conductive Education Therapy is only one of the many treatments and therapies that Chase receives.
Conductive Education, or CE, is an educational system that has been specifically developed for children or adults who have motor disorders of neurological origin such as cerebral palsy. CE is based on the idea of teaching the body to move by way of appropriate teaching methods and repetition. Intentional movement is integrated into tasks and practiced repeatedly in order to create new neural pathways allowing more controlled muscle movement.
In addition to the daily Conductive Therapy, Chase’s family spends thousands of dollars every year for special equipment and surgery, none of which is covered by the federal or provincial governments.
Having no support from the government, the family relies on donations.
Local friends and motorcycle enthusiasts have come together to organize the first annual Chase The Dream Motorcycle Ride and Show to raise funds for Chase.
The event will include a motorcycle ride and show, prizes and live music. The public is welcome to come out to see the motorcycles on display and vote for their favourites.
Tickets can be purchased for a chance to win “Cheer for a Year” and other great prizes. The event promises to be a fun-filled afternoon for people of all ages.
For event details visit www.chasethedream.ca